Haunted Hotels > Crescent Hotel and Spa
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A room in this 78-year-old resort hotel is haunted by the ghost of Michael, an Irish stonemason who worked on the hotel in 1885. The man fell from the roof and died in the second floor area which since became Room 218. Now he plays tricks with the lights and TV, or pounds loudly from inside the thick walls in the room. But there are other spirits here as well. The ghost of a nurse dressed in white has been reported on the third floor. Another ghost here is a gentleman in Victorian clothing who haunts the lobby. He has been spotted at the bottom of the stairway and sitting at the lobby bar. Other apparitions have been sighted in Room 202 and Room 424. Built in the early 1800s, the resort hotel was used as a college in the 1920s and became a somewhat controversial hospital/health resort in the late 1930s. The confused ghost of Doctor Baker, the charlatan who ran the hospital in the 1930s, has been seen in the old Recreation Room and at the foot of the first floor stairway.