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Join the longest running, highest trafficked independent travel website in the world. Over 14 years with millions of visitors each year.
These days, we all need to make every ad dollar count big. Placing a add on AllStays gives you very targeted traffic. You can buy radio ads, tv ads, billboards or search engine placement, and spend a lot of money and get an unknown return, if any. You can spend a $1,000 a month and not know who saw the ad. With AllStays, you place your add in front of someone who is already looking for what you are offering. Because we offer guides for primitive camping to high end resorts, ad prices vary greatly by section, placement and size. Some pages have one ad placement and others have up to four. We keep it simple. Exclusive sales. One price per month. Your ad is put in front of customers for X dollars a month. Simple and extremely targeted.
Traffic varies throughout the year. Overall, we get around 8 million uniques a year. Traffic fluctuates based on season and search rankings that we can't control. AllStays provides the number one selling, number one rated app for campers and for truck drivers. It even has an amazing 99.6% retention rate. This means that over 99% of people who tried AllStays keep using it. Most apps are retained at about 20%. AllStays.com has a repeat visitor rate at over 80%.
We currently run ads in common standard sizes of 300x250, 250x250 and 160x600. We can also adjust for you if needed but we do try to keep everything friendly for all devices, from desktops to mobile devices.