Haunted Hotels > Ballastone Inn
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From the owner:
"As a rule ghosts will not leave the place they haunt, whether it�s a home or a space; usually they will not leave. Some ghosts feel at home in different areas. Evidently Sarah Anderson is that way. She was the wife of General Robert Anderson, one of the men responsible for the defense of Savannah during the late great unpleasantness. The Andersons occupied one of the mansions fronting on South Broad Street, today The Ballastone Inn."
"The Ballastone Inn is a beautiful mansion that today houses one of the finest inns in the Historic District. The Anderson family lived in the house well into the 1880's. Ms Sarah is seen quite often entering the front door at dusk or in the gloaming hours she will walk the second floor hallways. One of her favorite things to do is ride the elevator from floor to floor."